Monday, January 20, 2014


Today was supposed to be a school holiday in celebration of MLK Jr but due to the significant snow we've had this winter, the kids had it as a makeup day.  I'm really glad they did because Madeleine's teacher did a wonderful talking about Martin Luther King Jr - his life and what he accomplished.

Madeleine was sharing what she had learned over dinner and I was reminded how much more six year olds understand than we know.  She focused on a lot of things I'd never really thought much about.  Specifically she said that he could have moved somewhere else where there were more black people or where black people were treated better but instead he stayed to help other people.

How very tempting it is to leave a difficult situation rather than stay.  That's not always the answer of course but we're a better society because he chose to stay when he could have left.  I said a quick prayer that I would stay the course and be courageous wherever God calls me and that our kids would do the same.

One other thing Madeleine shared that made my heart absolutely swell...she looked at me with wide eyes and said, "I wouldn't have been able to play with K!"  They have been friends since Kindergarten and I saw in her 6 year old heart the realization that children were separated for no other reason than the color of their skin and what the personal impact would have been to her and her friend.

Max's 3 year old response, "That's so MEAN!" :-)

True words...all of them.
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  1. Great start on the blog! As usual, the kids get it first.

  2. Isn't that the truth! Much wisdom in those little hearts.


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